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Application Lifecycle Managment

The world of enterprise software development is challenging enough, but when your organization lacks a coherent vision for Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Enterprise Application Development (EAD), or Program Portfolio Management (PPM) tools, it's only going to get worse as time goes on.


Now with many large organizations forced to work remotely due to COVID-19, the issues and challenges are even more apparent, as organizations need to have a digital representation of the state of their work, development progress, metrics, and clear lines of sight on dependencies with other teams. 


Our experienced team has a depth of knowledge and expertise across a wide range of toolsets and varying configurations, as well as extensive experience in migrating multiple environments. Our consultants can assist your organization with the procurement, installation, administrative configuration, permissions, workflow, project setup, dashboarding, and reporting aspects for the following solutions:


  • Atlassian Jira, Portfolio, Jira Align (AKA AgileCraft)

  • CA Agile Central (AKA Rally)

  • VersionOne

  • LeanKit

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